by admin | Feb 20, 2022 | Blog, Support for Women
Migrant and refugee women in Australia continue to struggle with the challenges of living in a new country and adjusting to new customs. Many find themselves in situations that put their health and lives at serious risk. A staggering percentage will be confronted by...
by admin | Feb 20, 2022 | Blog, Settlement Support
Until we fully embrace our new arrivals and eliminate all forms of racism and discrimination in this country, we cannot expect to be a truly cohesive society, writes Dr Sabrin Farooqui. ALL AUSTRALIANS, regardless of their cultural backgrounds or religious beliefs,...
by admin | Feb 20, 2022 | Blog, Settlement Support
While Australia has been actively working against the wage theft problem, work still needs to be done, especially to help migrant workers, writes Dr Sabrin Farooqui. THE ELIMINATION of wage theft by employers in Australia has long been a goal of industrial unions that...
by admin | Feb 20, 2022 | Blog, Support for the Elderly
With 2.5 million Australians not online, the digital divide is leaving too many behind. Now, older Aussies can access help for free. In a new era of working from home and lockdown disruption, digital skills have become as essential as the five basic food groups. But...